Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I Heard A Rumor...

Tonights lesson was from Ephesians 3:1-13 and John 14:8-11

In these scriptures God revealed his plan to Paul for accepting the Gentiles (people who were not of Jewish descent) which were known as "outsiders" excluded by the Jews from God's plan of salvation.  Paul saw himself as inadequate even though he was one of the most outspoken apostles.  Paul gives all the credit to God with empowering him to accomplish His work. 

Until the 1st Century the Israelites considered themselves to be members of an exclusive club.  They thought they were the only people God would allow in Heaven.  Any non-Jew or Genitle, was viewed as an outsider.  Can you imagine their surpise when Jesus hit the scene and annunced that he was lifting the velvet rope and allowing Gentiles entrance into heaven!  Up until that point, God's plan to bring both Jews and Gentiles together in one spiritual family had been a mystery.

Rumor or Revelation?

A.  Four methods of information validation

      a.  Observation-trust our senses.
      b,  Reliable Source-trust authority figure
      c.  Logic-trust reason
      d.  Revelation-trust God

B.  What god Wants to Reveal

 a. Who he that his multifacted wisdom may now be made known through the church to the rulers and authorities in the Heavens (Eph 3:10) One of the ways he revealed himself was through Jesus Chrust.  Looking as Jesus' life we can see God's character in His actions. (John 14:10)
 b. What he wants for us...The kingdom and fellowship that God has planned to share (Eph 3:5-6)

Think about this and apply it somehow to your walk:

1.  Let your actions speak for you.  How well do you think your actions reflect your belief in God?  How could it be stronger, more positive message?

2.  Be deliberate, Use discernment.  Pray for God's wisdom in validating information.

3.  Accept the fact that heaven is not an exclusive club.  A broad range of people have professed faith in Jesus  Christ; they are from all different cultures and denominations.

Prayer Needs
Sonia East
Josh Baker (Afghanistan)
Our County and Leaders
Our church and leaders
Jeri Gurly (?breast cancer)
Mr. Thislewaite (Stage IV Colon Cancer)
Lee (precancerous mouth lesions)
Our members away at school
White water rafting trip-safety
Traveling mercies for this weekend
Adam (Iraq)

Remember next Wednesday we will not be eating.  We will meet over in our new room for a short devotion and begin painting.  Please wear old clothes!!  Any questions email or call Amber or myself.

In His Service,


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